Papers of the Modelica Workshop 2000

All papers of the workshop can be downloaded in pdf-format. The order of the papers is according to the sessions of the workshop. The paper versions of the presented posters are also available, but not the posters.

Modelica Libraries

TitleFile (size in kb/Mb)
Clauß, Schneider, Leitner Schwarz, Fraunhofer Institut for Integrated Circuits, Dresden, Germany Modelling of Electrical Circuits with Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 285k)
Larsson, Lund University, Sweden: ObjectStab - A Modelica Library for Power System Stability Studiespaper in PDF-format  ( 946k)
Otter, Dempsey, Schlegel, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany Package PowerTrain. A Modelica Library for modeling and simulation of vehicle power trainspaper in PDF-format  ( 573k)
Beater, Paderborn University, Germany: Modeling and Digital Simulation of Hydraulic Systems in Design and Engineering Education using Modelica and HyLibpaper in PDF-format  ( 611k)
Tummescheit, Eborn, Wagner, Lund University, Sweden: Development of a Modelica Base Library for Modeling of Thermo-hydraulic Systemspaper in PDF-format  ( 858k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)5 papers in PDF-format, zipped ( 3.0M)

Dymola Users’ Group Meeting

Soejima, Toyota, Japan: Examples of Usage and spread of Dymola within Toyotapaper in PDF-format  ( 90k)
Mattsson, Olsson, Elmqvist, Dynasim AB, Sweden: Dynamic Selection of States in Dymolapaper in PDF-format  ( 132k)
Schiela, Olsson, Dynasim, Sweden: Mixed-mode Integration for Real-Time Simulationpaper in PDF-format  ( 143k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)3 papers in PDF-format, zipped  ( 321k)

Industrial Applications (Thermodynamic and Power Systems)

Eborn, Åström, Lund University, Sweden: Modeling of a Boiler Pipe with Two-Phase Flow Instabilitiespaper in PDF-format  ( 344k)
Pfafferott, Schmitz, Technical University Hamburg Harburg, Germany: Numeric Simulation of an Integrated CO2 Cooling Systempaper in PDF-format  ( 403k)
Bachmann, Wiesmann, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland: Advanced Modeling of Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systemspaper in PDF-format  ( 133k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)3 papers in PDF-format, zipped  ( 801k)

Industrial Applications (Automotive Applications)

Jacobson, Fredriksson, Hellgren, Karlsson, Scarpati, Templin, Vallejo, Chalmers University, Sweden: Modelica Usage in Automotive Problems at Chalmerspaper in PDF-format  ( 894k)
Steinmann, Treffinger, DLR Stuttgart, Germany: Simulation of Fuel Cell Powered Drive Trainspaper in PDF-format  ( 212k)
Andreasson, Möller, Otter, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany Modeling of a Racing Car with Modelicas Multibody Librarypaper in PDF-format  ( 508k)
Drogies, Bauer, Darmstadt University, Germany: Modeling Road Vehicle Dynamics with Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 437k)
Tiller, Bowles et al., Ford Motor Company, USA: Detailed Vehicle Powertrain Modeling in Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 398k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)5 papers in PDF-format, zipped ( 2.1M)

Modelica Tools

Jirstrand, MathCore, Sweden: MathModelica, A Full System Simulation Toolpaper in PDF-format  ( 47k)
Johansson, Krus, Linköping University, Sweden: Modelica in a Distributed Environment Using Transmission Line Modellingpaper in PDF-format  ( 249k)
Bunus, Engelson, Fritzson, Linköping University, Sweden: Mechanical Models Translation, Simulation and Visualization in Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 153k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)3 papers in PDF-format, zipped ( 554k)


Beuschel, Technical University Munich: A Uniform Approach for Modeling Electrical Machinespaper in PDF-format  ( 180k)
Freiseisen, Kebetz, Medetz, Stelzmüller, SCCH Austria: Testing PLC programs with Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 212k)
Lunde, ROSE Informatik, Germany: Object-oriented Modeling In Model-Based Diagnosispaper in PDF-format  ( 161k)
Saldamli, Fritzson, Linköping University: Object-oriented Modeling With Partial Differential Equationspaper in PDF-format  ( 323k)
Sandberg, Lisper, Linköping University: Dimensional Analysis for Modelicapaper in PDF-format  ( 267k)
Tiller, Modelica Association: Modelica Thermal Librarypaper in PDF-format  ( 135k)
Complete Session in one File (zip-format)6 papers in PDF-format, zipped ( 1.0M)