Authors’ guide

Submission process

Information about the submission process is following soon.

Preparation of full papers and Extended Abstracts for Industrial User Presentations

The template has been updated for the 2021 conference, so do not use older versions of the template. Note that a nearly finished draft paper is the expected minimum for the submission deadline, papers with only an abstract, or only promised results, will be rejected. Please use the LaTeX template for the creation of full papers. There is also a Word template that is based on the LaTeX template. The Word template contains some wording specific to LaTeX packages; when drafting a document in Word, please make the contents look similar to what the LaTeX templates produce. For draft paper submissions, you may also use other templates (but include an extra page at the end stating you will use the correct template for the final submission).

Please make sure that your submission has been created according to the Modelica Formatting Guidelines.

For the final submission, there will also be the possibility to submit Modelica example model files that correspond to your publication. These files will then be attached to your paper in the Modelica Association copy of the proceedings (but not the LiU e-press copy to which the DOI points).

Preparation of Industrial User Presentations.

There are no specific templates for industrial user presentations. The presentations follow the same guidelines as for full papers.

Technical equipment for presentations

Papers must be presented during the conference in person. Papers that are not presented will be retracted. Presentations will probably be 20 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for questions.

Industrial User Presentations instead of Poster Session

Papers that are not accepted for a full paper presentation may still qualify for an industrial user presentation, it it is industrially relevant content by end-users, but not vendors, if the content is interesting, but not qualifies for a rigorously reviewed paper. We will let authors know of that possibility at the time of the paper acceptance.