The 16th International
Modelica & FMI Conference

   Modelica and FMI Conference Logo

We are glad to announce the 16th International Modelica & FMI Conference. It will take place at the marvelous city of Lucerne in Switzerland from September 8-10, 2025. It is organized by HSLU, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne, in cooperation with the Modelica Association. This is the first visit of this conference series in Switzerland.

Luzern old part of town. Picture by Simon Koopmann

About the Conference

The International Modelica & FMI Conference is the main event for users, library developers, tool vendors and language designers to share their knowledge and learn about the latest scientific and industrial progress related to Modelica, FMI, SSP, eFMI and DCP. The program will cover processes and tools for the modeling of complex physical and cyber-physical systems as applied to a wide range of research and industrial applications.

In addition to paper presentations, the conference features several Modelica tutorials for beginners and advanced users, as well as industrial user presentations, vendor sessions, and an exhibition.

Call for Sponsors

The International Modelica & FMI Conference relies heavily on sponsors to maintain the affordability of the ticket prices. As a sponsor you are also given the opportunity to exhibit at the conference site. If you are interested in sponsoring the conference, please check out the conditions at in our call for sponsors.

Important Dates

January 6, 2025Call for papers
April 17, 2025Deadline for submissions
June 1, 2025Deadline for Workshops and Tutorials, and Vendor Presentations
June 1, 2025Deadline for Industrial User Presentation submissions
June 16, 2025Notification of acceptance for papers and presentations
June 30, 2025Deadline for early registration
August 1, 2025Submission of final papers, presentations, and one-page abstracts
September 8-10, 202516th International Modelica & FMI Conference

Keynote Speakers

We are proud to announce our keynote speakers:

Tuesday, September 9th:

Mishra Siddhartha, Professor and Deputy Head of the Seminar for Applied Mathematics at ETH Zürich
Physics-Informed AIAI is increasingly being used in the fast and accurate simulation of physical systems. In this keynote, we will discuss how knowledge of the underlying physics can be explicitly incorporated into AI systems for physical simulations. Key examples will highlight the potential gains as well as the involved challenges.

Wednesday, September 10th:

Johan R Åkesson, Associate Director for Computational Engineering at Carrier, Former CTO Modelon AB
Opportunities and Challenges in Design and Operation of Integrated Energy SystemsThe complexity of modern integrated energy systems demands the systematic use of systems engineering methods and tools to address key challenges across product lifecycle. This keynote will explore three related and critical areas: 1) the demand for diverse model fidelities and analysis, 2) maintaining consistency across design layers, and 3) the importance of seamless tooling and integration. Real-world, HVAC-specific examples will highlight how these challenges are being tackled in practice and the opportunities they present. For over two decades, Carrier has relied on Modelica as a cornerstone technology for model-based product design. The journey began with the development of control systems for transportation refrigeration, where transient simulations allowed for rapid control function development and verification. Today, while controls development remains a vital application, Carrier has expanded Modelica’s use across the entire product lifecycle—from conceptual design, through testing and verification, to business sales tools, and into operation with monitoring and diagnostics. Design and operation of highly integrated energy systems such as data centers and district heating systems also calls for new methods and tools. Differentiated applications has driven diversified analysis with Modelica models. Modelica-based steady-state simulation has emerged as a back-bone in product design, sales tools, as well as in field diagnostics. Steady-state and transient optimization is also a necessary element across the product life cycle. The need for diversified analysis and computation is further amplified by application of systems engineering methods where requirements, design space exploration, and validation and verification are key elements.

Registration and Accommodation

Registration is now open at Eventfrog. Please register soon to make planning easy for us. Early Bird tickets will be available until June 30th. The conference registration is offered at the following conditions.

RegistrationValidincl. DinnerEarly-PricePrice
StandardMon-Wedyes750 CHF900 CHF
PhDMon-Wedno400 CHF500 CHF
StudentMon-Wedno200 CHF250 CHF
Industrial User Presentationonly Tuesdayno200 CHF250 CHF
DinnerDinneryes150 CHF150 CHF

The conference will take place at the Rotkreuz campus of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which can be reached in as little as 13 minutes by train from Lucerne railroad station. We recommend taking the train to the campus, as the campus is located directly at Rotkreuz station. The university cannot provide parking spaces in Rotkreuz. There are parking spaces in the vicinity of the campus whose availability and prices are not subject to the university.

Under the following link, conference participants will find a limited contingent of hotels in Lucerne and Rotkreuz at discounted rates. Please use the search window to view all available hotels and prices. We would like to point out that Lucerne offers significantly more tourist attractions than Rotkreuz. However, Lucerne is in high season during the conference, so accommodation costs may be higher. Cheaper alternatives can be found, for example, in youth hostels in the city of Lucerne, Airbnbs, or hotels in the vicinity of Lucerne and Rotkreuz with good rail connections.

Scope of the Conference

Modelica is a freely available, equation-based, object-oriented language for convenient and efficient modeling of complex, multi-domain cyber-physical systems described by ordinary differential, difference and algebraic equations. The Modelica language and the companion Modelica Standard Library have been utilized in a variety of demanding industrial applications, including full vehicle dynamics, power systems, robotics, buildings and district energy systems, hardware-in-the-loop simulations and embedded control systems. The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is an open standard for the tool-independent exchange of models and for co-simulation. It is supported by many Modelica and non-Modelica tools and is the key to utilizing Modelica models in non-Modelica environments.

Development in the Modelica Association is organized in Modelica Association Projects:

These projects collaborate to design and maintain a set of coordinated standards for modeling and simulation of complex physical systems.

The Modelica & FMI conference will bring together people using Modelica and/or other Modelica Association standards for modeling, simulation, and control applications, such as Modelica language designers, tool vendors and library developers. The Modelica Conference provides Modelica users with the opportunity to stay informed about the latest language, library, and tool developments, and to get in touch with people working on similar modeling problems. The conference will cover topics such as the following:

Call for papers, user presentations and tutorials

Please see the call for papers for details about paper submissions, and the calls for industrial user presentations, and tutorials. Please look at the author instructions before submitting. You can also download the Call for papers and post it in your organization. Paper submission is open on EasyChair.

Organization and Contact

The conference is organized by Prof. Ulf Christian Müller from HSLU, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne in cooperation with the Modelica Association

For general questions, please send an email to:

Conference Board