
Modelica Conference 2006 at arsenal research in Vienna, Austria

Participants are kindly asked to choose during registration whether they want to attend one of five Tutorials on Monday morning.

Attendants of the tutorials are kindly asked to bring their own notebook for hands-on practices;
CDs with the required simulation software (either OpenModelica or a demo-version of Dymola) will be available on site.

Tutorial 1Introduction to Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation with OpenModelica
TutorsPeter Fritzson, Peter Bunus University of Linköping, Sweden
PrerequisitesKnowledge of basic programming concepts
DescriptionThe tutorial presents an object-oriented component-based approach to computer supported mathematical modeling and simulation through the powerful Modelica language and its associated technology. Modelica can be viewed as an almost universal approach to high level computational modeling and simulation, by being able to represent a range of application areas and providing general notation as well as powerful abstractions and efficient implementations. The tutorial gives an introduction to the Modelica language to people who are familiar with basic programming concepts. It gives a basic introduction to the concepts of modeling and simulation, as well as the basics of object-oriented component-based modeling for the novice, and a an overview of modeling and simulation in a number of application areas.
Tutorial 2Mathematical Aspects of Modeling and Simulation with Modelica
TutorBernhard Bachmann University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany
PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of the Modelica language and some experience in using Dymola
DescriptionThe investigation of dynamical systems in mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering usually requires mathematical modeling of the system behavior. The object-oriented modeling language Modelica provides powerful features which make it possible to build up very complex even hybrid systems quite easily. But, what happens if a Modelica tool is not capable to compile and/or correctly simulate the system of interest? Reasons can be i.e. modeling errors, wrong parameter values and/or numerical instabilities. Automatic problem detection is usually not possible and only understanding of symbolical and numerical techniques behind the scene can help in resolving this issue. This tutorial provides a basic understanding on the mathematical aspects of object-oriented modeling and simulation. Different phenomena are explained in detail using simple examples which can be thoroughly analyzed during hand-out exercises.
Tutorial 3Simulation of Electric Machines and Drives using the Machines and the SmartElectricDrives Libraries
TutorsJohannes Gragger, Harald Giuliani, Hansjoerg Kapeller, Thomas Baeuml arsenal research, Vienna, Austria
PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of the Modelica language and some experience in using Dymola
DescriptionThe tutorial starts with an introduction to electric machines. This includes DC machines, asynchronous machines and permanent magnet synchronous machines. Simple applications of starting and operating the machines will be presented using the Machines package of the Modelica Standard Library. The limits of operation of open loop and mains supplied machines will be discussed. For operating electric machines at variable speed (or torque) usually closed loop drives are used. The basic principle of a closed loop drive system will be explained. For the examples presented in this tutorial the SmartElectricDrives (SED) library will be used. An overview of the structure of the basic components (source, converter, machine, control unit, sensor and load) of the SED library will be given. The basics of controlling DC machines are outlined, followed by an introduction to space phasors (as the reference frames get explained the transformation blocks in the SED library get pointed out). The torque controlled drive models of a DC machine, an asynchronous induction machine and a permanent magnet synchronous machine are presented. For these drive types the differences between TransientDrives and QuasiStationaryDrives will be compared. Then the Sources models will be explained and their parameterization will be discussed. After this two examples using an asynchronous induction machine and a permanent magnet induction machine are shown. These examples will demonstrate the correct use of the bus connectors and the supplementary functions for estimating the control and machine parameters.
Tutorial 4Vehicle system modelling using the new, free VehicleInterfaces package
TutorsMike Dempsey et al Claytex, UK
PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of the Modelica language and some experience in using Dymola
DescriptionLearn how the interface definitions provided in the VehicleInterfaces package simplify modelling the whole vehicle system. See how these interface definitions are utilised in commercial automotive libraries such as PowerTrain 2.0 (from DLR), SmartElectricDrives (from arsenal research), Transmission (from Ricardo), VehicleDynamics (from Modelon).
Tutorial 5Modeling of Thermodynamic Systems using Modelica_Fluid and Modelica.Media
TutorsHubertus Tummescheit, Jonas Eborn Modelon AB, Lund, Sweden
PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of the Modelica language and some experience in using Dymola
DescriptionThe goal of the tutorial is to get an overview over Modelica libraries for thermodynamic system modeling and show how to make use of Modelica’s unique features in thermodynamics modeling. Compared to traditional, specialized flow sheeting tools, Modelica offers increased flexibility. The new Media and Fluid libraries make this flexibility accessible without the drawback of laborious model implementation. We will explain the design ideas behind the libraries and, through a series of hands-on exercises, learn to use the libraries for simple examples. Using these examples, we will investigate typical modeling trade-offs in thermodynamics between models intended for component design use and models intended for system design use. The same examples will be used to demonstrate typical numerical pitfalls in thermo-fluid systems.