Modelica 2008 Sessions
Keynote Address
- Object-Oriented Modelling in the Context of Networked Simulations
Kramer, Ulrich
Schröder, Christian
Session 1a Language, Tools and Algorithms
Design Considerations for Dimensional Inference and Unit Consistency Checking in Modelica
Broman, David
Aronsson, Peter
Fritzson, PeterUnit Checking and Quantity Conservation
Mattsson, Sven Erik
Elmqvist, HildingBalanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality
Olsson, Hans
Otter, Martin
Mattsson, Sven Erik
Elmqvist, Hilding
Session 1b Language, Tools and Algorithms
Initialization of Modelica Models in Scicos
Najafi, Masoud
Nikoukhah, RamineIntroducing Sol: A General Methodology for Equation-Based Modeling of Variable-Structure Systems
Zimmer, DirkOptimica - An Extension of Modelica Supporting Dynamic Optimization
Åkesson, Johan
Session 1c Automotive Applications
Detailed Simulation of Turbocharged Engines with Modelica
Batteh, John
Newman, CharlesThermal Modelling of an Automotive Nickel Metall Hydrid Battery in Modelica using Dymola
Oberguggenberger, Helmut
Simic, DraganObject Oriented Modeling of a Gasoline Direct Injection System
Corno, Matteo
Casella, Francesco
Savaresi, Sergio M.
Scattolini, Riccardo
Session 1d Electric Systems & Applications
A Multi Level Approach for Aircraft Electrical Systems Design
Kuhn, Martin
Otter, Martin
Raulin, LoicIncorporation of Reliability Analysis Methods with Modelica
Schallert, ChristianSimulation of Distributed Automation Systems in Modelica
Wagner, Florian
Liu, Liu
Frey, Georg
Session 2a Language, Tools and Algorithms
Study of a Sizing Methodology and a Modelica Code Generator for the Bond Graph Tool MS1
Jardin, Audrey
Marquis-Favre, Wilfrid
Thomasset, Daniel
Guillemard, Franck
Lorenz, FrancisIntegrating Models and Simualtions of Continuous Dynamics into SysML
Johnson, Thomas
Paredis, Chris
Burghart, RogerModelica Library for Logic Control Systems written in the FBD Language
Leva, Alberto
Donida, Filippo
Bonvini, Marco
Ravelli, Lorenzo
Session 2b Thermodynamic Systems & Applications
ExternalMedia: A Library for Easy Re-Use of External Fluid Property Code in Modelica
Casella, Francesco
Richter, ChristophThermoBondLib - A New Modelica Library for Modeling Convective Flows
Cellier, François
Greifeneder, JürgenFluidDissipation - A Centralised Library for Modelling of Heat Transfer and Pressure Loss
Vahlenkamp, Thorben
Wischhusen, Stefan
Session 2c Mechanical Systems & Applications
Development of an Aircraft and Landing Gears Model with Steering System in Modelica-Dymola
Verzichelli, GianlucaImplementation of the Hertz Contact Model and Its Volumetric Modification on Modelica
Kosenko, Ivan I.
Alexandrov, Evgeniy
Session 2d Electric Systems & Applications
Modelling of Electric Drives using freeFOClib
Winkler, Dietmar
Gühmann, ClemensElectromagnetic Actuator Modelling with the Extended Modelica Magnetic Library
Bödrich, ThomasQuasi-Stationary Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Circuits using Complex Phasors
Haumer, Anton
Kral, Christian
Gragger, Johannes V.
Kapeller, Hansjörg
Session 3a Language, Tools and Algorithms
HyAuLib: Modelling Hybrid Automata in Modelica
Pulecchi, Tiziano
Casella, FrancescoApplication of Neural Networks to model Catamaran Type Powerboats
Fish, Garron
Dempsey, MikeModeGraph - A Modelica Library for Embedded Control Based on Mode-Automata
Malmheden, Martin
Elmqvist, Hilding
Mattsson, Sven Erik
Henriksson, Dan
Otter, MartinA new Approach for Modeling and Verification of Discrete Control Components within a Modelica Environment
Donath, Ulrich
Haufe, Jürgen
Blochwitz, Torsten
Neidhold, Thomas
Session 3b Thermodynamic Systems & Applications
Model-Based Online Applications in the ABB Dynamic Optimization Framework
Franke, Rüdiger
Babji B.S.
Antoine, Marc
Isaksson, AlfUsing Modelica/Matlab for Parameter Estimation in a Bioethanol Fermentation Model
Videla, Juan Ignacio
Lie, BerntModel-Based Optimizing Control and Estimation using Modelica Models
Imsland, Lars
Kittilsen, Pål
Schei, Tor SteinarOverdetermined Steady-State Initialization Problems in Object-Oriented Fluid System Models
Casella, Francesco
Donida, Filippo
Bachmann, Bernhard
Aronsson, Peter
Session 3c Automotive Applications
Modelling of Conventional Vehicle in Modelica
Chen, Wei
Qin, Gang
Li, Lingyang
Zhang, Yunqing
Chen, LipingVehicle Model for Limit Handling: Implementation and Validation
Andreasson, Johan
Jonasson, MatsModelling of a Double Clutch Transmission with an Appropriate Controller for the Simulation of Shifting Processes
Isernhagen, Henrik
Gühmann, ClemensTestWeaver - A Tool for Simulation-Based Test of Mechatronic Designs
Junghanns, Andreas
Mauss, Jakob
Tatar, Mugur
Session 3d Electric Systems & Applications
Simulation of Electrical Rotor Asymmetries in Squirrel Cage Induction Machines with the ExtendedMachines Library
Kral, Christian
Haumer, AntonModeling and Simulation of a Large Chipper Drive
Kapeller, Hansjörg
Haumer, Anton
Kral, Christian
Pascoli, Gert
Pirker, FranzSimulation and Validation of Power Losses in the Buck-Converter Model included in the SmartElectricDrives Library
Giuliani, Harald
Fenz, Claus J.
Haumer, Anton
Kapeller, HansjörgReal-Time Modelica Simulation on a Suse Linux Enterprise Real Time PC
Ebner, Arno
Ganchev, Martin
Oberguggenberger, Helmut
Pirker, Franz
Session 4a Language, Tools and Algorithms
Frequency-Domain Analysis Methods for Modelica Models
Abel, Andreas
Nähring, TobiasWorld3 in Modelica: Creating System Dynamics Models in the Modelica Framework
Cellier, FrançoisModelica as a Host Language for Process/Control Co-Simulation and Co-Design
Donida, Filippo
Leva, AlbertoException Handling for Modelica
Pop, Adrian
Stavåker, Kristian
Fritzson, Peter
Session 4b Thermodynamic Systems & Applications
Modelling of the Gasification Island with Modelica
Fahlke, Julia
Püschel, Stephan
Hannemann, Frank
Meyer, BerndTransient Modelling of a Controllable Low Pressure Accumulator in CO2 Refrigeration Cycles
Bockholt, Marcos
Tegethoff, Wilhelm
Lemke, Nicholas
Strupp, Nils-Christian
Richter, ChristophModeling and Simulation of a Thermoelectric Heat Exchanger using the Object-Oriented Library TIL
Junior, Christine
Richter, Christoph
Tegethoff, Wilhelm
Lemke, Nicholas
Köhler, JürgenDynamic Modeling and Self-Optimizing Control of Air-Side Economizers
Li, Pengfei
Li, Yaoyu
Seem, John
Session 4c Automotive Applications
Using Modelica for Modeling and Simulation of Spark Ignited Engine and Drilling Station in IFP
Najafi, Masoud
Benjelloun-Dabaghi, ZakiaController Development for an Automotive Ac-system using R744 as Refrigerant
Karim, Sanaz
Tummescheit, HubertusImplementation of a Modelica Online Optimization for an Operating Strategy of a Hybrid Powertrain
Wigermo, Henrik
von Grundherr, Johannes
Christ, ThomasModel Embedded Control: A Method to Rapidly Synthesize Controllers in a Modeling Environment
Tate, Edward
Sasena, Michael
Gohl, Jesse
Tiller, Michael
Session 4d Mechanical Systems & Applications
High-Accuracy Orbital Dynamics Simulation through Keplerian and Equinoctial Parameters
Casella, Francesco
Lovera, MarcoRotational3D - Efficient Modelling of 3D Effects in Rotational Mechanics
Andreasson, Johan
Gäfvert, MagnusMethods of Sensitivity Calculation Applied to a Multi-Axial Test Rig for Elastomer Bushings
Wolf, Susann
Haase, Joachim
Clauß, Christoph
Jöckel, Michael
Lösch, JürgenImplementation of a Modelica Library for Simulation of High-Lift Drive Systems
Pfennig, Malte
Thielecke, Frank
Session 5 Poster Session
4-Dimensional Table Interpolation with Modelica
Hirsch, Tobias
Eck, MarkusPlanarMultiBody - A Modelica Library for Planar Multi-Body Systems
Höbinger, Mathias
Otter, MartinImplementation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles using the VehicleInterfaces and the SmartElectricDrives Libraries
Simic, Dragan
Bäuml, ThomasModeling of CO2 Reduction Impacts on Energy Prices with Modelica
Machanick, Philip
Liebman, Ariel
Fritzson, PeterModelling of an Adsorption Chiller with Modelica
Schicktanz, MatthiasAn External Model Interface for Modelica
Blochwitz, Torsten
Kurzbach, Gerd
Neidhold, ThomasTwo Steady State CHP Models with Modelica : Mirafiori overall Model and Multi-configuration Biomass Model
El Hefni, Baligh
Bride, Benoît
Pechine, BrunoEfficient Analysis of Harmonic Losses in PWM Voltage Source Induction Machine Drives with Modelica
Gragger, Johannes V.
Haumer, Anton
Kral, Christian
Pirker, FranzMonte Carlo Simulation with Modelica
Haase, Joachim
Wolf, Susann
Clauß, ChristophComparisons of Different Modelica-Based Simulators Using Benchmark Tasks
Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf
Clauß, Christoph
Schwarz, Peter
Breitenecker, Felix
Nytsch-Geusen, ChristophModelica Wind Turbine Models with Structural Changes Related to Different Operating Modes
Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf
Schneider, PeterExcelInterface - A Tool for Interfacing Dymola through Excel
Tuszynski, Kristian(UPDATE) Modeling of Cold Plates for Power Electronic Cooling
Vasel, Jens
Dietl, Karin
Schmitz, Gerhard
Casas, Wilson
Mehrkens, ChristianHeavy Vehicle Modeling with VehicleDynamics Library
Philipson, Niklas
Andreasson, Johan
Gäfvert, Magnus
Woodruff, Andrew
Session 6a Language, Tools and Algorithms
Compiling and Using Pattern Matching in Modelica
Stavåker, Kristian
Pop, Adrian
Fritzson, PeterComment- and Indentation Preserving Refactoring and Unparsing for Modelica
Fritzson, Peter
Pop, Adrian
Norling, Kristoffer
Blom, Mikael
Session 6b Language, Tools and Algorithms
Sensitivity Analysis of Modelica Applications via Automatic Differentiation
Elsheikh, Atya
Noack, Stephan
Wiechert, WolfgangSynchronous and Asynchronous Events in Modelica: Proposal for an Improved Hybrid Model
Nikoukhah, Ramine
Furic, SébastienSupport for Dymola in the Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems with Distributed Parameters
Dshabarow, Farid
Cellier, François
Zimmer, Dirk
Session 6c Thermodynamic Systems & Applications
Simulation of Peak Stresses and Bowing Phenomena during the Cool Down of a Cryogenic Transfer System
Tummescheit, Hubertus
Tuszynski, Kristian
Arnold, PhilipEnhancement of a Modelica Model of a Desiccant Wheel
Joos, Andreas
Schmitz, Gerhard
Casas, WilsonReal-Time HWIL Simulation of Liquid Food Process Lines
Gäfvert, Magnus
Skoglund, Tomas
Tummescheit, Hubertus
Windahl, Johan
Wikander, Hans
Reuterswärd, Philip
Session 6d Mechanical Systems & Applications
Automatic Model Conversion to Modelica for Dymola-based Mechatronic Simulation
Juhász, Tamás
Schmucker, UlrichModelica Implementation of the Skateboard Dynamics
Kosenko, Ivan I.
Kuleshov, Alexander S.Design and Validation of an Annotation-Concept for the Representation of 3D-Geometries in Modelica
Hoeft, Thomas
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph