Modelica 2005 Proceedings
Published papers, libraries and tutorial materials
Libraries presented at the Modelica2005 Conference:
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Conference papers:
Every paper and poster presented at the conference can be downloaded as single PDF file. The order of the papers is according to the sequence of the sessions (same ordering as in the proceedings volume). Both published volumes of the proceedings are also available as single PDF Files.
Conference Proceedings Vol. 1 (pp. 11-281, sessions 1-3), [PDF, 7.5 MB]
Conference Proceedings Vol. 2 (pp. 289-611, sessions 4-7),[PDF, 14.1 MB]
Session 1a: Mechanical Systems
I. Kossenko
Moscow State University of Service, Russia
Implementation of Unilateral Multibody Dynamics on ModelicaF. Schiavo, G. Ferretti, L. Viganò
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Flexible Multibody Thin Beams in Modelica with the Finite Element MethodT. Pulecchi, M. Lovera
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Object-oriented modelling of the dynamics of a satellite equipped with Single Gimbal Control Moment GyrosM. Otter, H. Elmqvist, J. Díaz López
Dynasim AB, Sweden; DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Collision Handling for the Modelica MultiBody Library
Session 1b: Chemical Systems and Thermodynamic Systems I
F. Cellier, À. Nebot
ETH Zürich, Switzerland; Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
The Modelica Bond-Graph LibraryJ. Ungethüm
German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany
Fuel Cell System Modeling for Real-time SimulationM. Rubio, A. Urquía, L. González, D. Guinea, S. Dormido
UNED and CSIC, Madrid, Spain
_FuelCell_Lib - A Modelica Library for Modeling of Fuel CellsE. Larsdotter Nilsson, P. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
A Metabolic Specialization of a General Purpose Modelica Library for Biological and Biochemical Systems
Session 1c: Methods I
F. Casella
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Exploiting Weak Dynamic Interactions in ModelicaH. Olsson, H. Tummescheit, H. Elmqvist
Dynasim AB; Modelon AB, Sweden
Using Automatic Differentiation for Partial Derivatives of Functions in ModelicaL. Saldamli, B. Bachmann, P. Fritzson, H. Wiesmann
Linköping University, Sweden; FH Bielefeld, Germany; ABB, Switzerland
A Framework for Describing and Solving PDE Models in ModelicaP. Aronsson, P. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
A Task Merging Technique for Parallelization of Modelica Models
Session 2: Poster session
D. Aiordachioaie, M. Munteanu, E. Ceanga
University of Galati, Romania
Some Results on Neutral Modelling of the Steel Continuous Casting ProcessC. Clauß , E. Erler
Fraunhofer Institute, Dresden, Berufliches Schulzentrum, Freital, Germany
Switched Capacitor Simulation with ModelicaK. Berg, K. Nyström
Linköping University, Sweden
Hydrological modeling in ModelicaP. Harman
Ricardo UK Ltd.
Visualisation of Model Transformation Algorithms for a Modelica TranslatorC. Martin,A. Urquía, S. Dormido
UNED Madrid, Spain
Modeling of Interactive Virtual Laboratories with ModelicaK. Nyström, P. Aronsson, P. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
Parallelization in ModelicaS.E. Pohl, J. Ungethüm
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
A Simulation Management Enviroment for DymolaA. Siemers, I. Nakhimovski, D. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
Meta-modelling of Mechanical Systems with Transmission Line Joints in Modelica
Session 3a: Automotive Simulation I
J. Eborn, H. Tummescheit, K. Prölß
Modelon AB, Sweden; TUHH, Germany
AirConditioning - a Modelica Library for Dynamic Simulation of AC SystemsD. Limperich, M. Braun, G. Schmitz, K. Prölß
DaimlerChrysler AG; TUHH, Germany
System Simulation of Automotive Refrigeration CyclesM. Hommel
Volkswagen AG, Germany
First Results in Cluster Simulation of Alternative Automotive Drive TrainsM. Dempsey, S. Biggs, N. Dixon
Claytex Services Ltd, Hatton; Jaguar Cars Limited Engineering Centre, Whitley Coventry, UK
Simulating driveability using Dymola and Modelica
Session 3b: Thermodynamic Systems II
C. Kral, A. Haumer, M. Plainer
Arsenal Research, Vienna, Austria
Simulation of a thermal model of a surface cooled squirrel cage induction machine by means of the SimpleFlow-libraryS. Micheletti, S. Perotto, F. Schiavo
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Modelling Heat Exchangers by the Finite Element Method with Grid Adaption in ModelicaW. Steinmann
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
Calculation of Thermophysical Properties in the Modelica Library TechThermoM. Tiller
Ford Motor Company, USA
Development of a Simplified Transmission Hydraulics Library based on Modelica.Fluid
Session 3c: Methods II
B. Johansson, P. Krus
Linköping University, Sweden
Probabilistic Analysis and Design Optimization of Modelica ModelsH. Elmqvist, H. Olsson, S.E. Mattsson, D. Brück, C. Schweiger, D. Joos, M. Otter
Dynasim AB, Sweden; DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Optimization for Design and Parameter EstimationG. Looye, M. Thümmel, M. Kurze, M. Otter, J. Bals
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Nonlinear Inverse Models for ControlP. Bunus
Linköping University, Sweden
An Empirical Study on Debugging Equation-Based Simulation Models
Session 4a: Automotive Simulation II
L. Morawietz, S. Risse, H. Zellbeck, H. Reuss, T. Christ
TU Dresden, University of Stuttgart, BMW Group, Germany
Modeling an automotive power train and electrical power supply for HiL applications using ModelicaE. Surewaard, M. Thele
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Modelica in Automotive Simulations - Powernet Voltage Control during Engine IdleT. Bünte, A. Sahin, N. Bajcinca
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, University of Siegen, Germany
Inversion of Vehicle Steering Dynamics with Modelica/Dymola
Session 4b: Thermodynamic Systems III
W. Steinmann, J. Buschle
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
Analysis of thermal storage systems using ModelicaS. Wischhusen, G. Schmitz
TUHH, Germany
Exergy-analysis of a direct-evaporating cooling plant with heat reclaimT. Ziehn, G. Reichl, E. Arnold
TU Ilmenau; Fraunhofer Institute Ilmenau, Germany
Application of the Modelica library WasteWater for optimisation purposes
Session 4c: Tools I
G. Ferretti, M. Gritti, G. Magnani, G. Rizzi, P. Rocco
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Real-Time Simulation of Modelica Models under Linux / RTAIM. Najafi, S. Furic, R. Nikoukhah
Imagine; INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
SCICOS: a general purpose modeling and simulation environmentR. Dorling
Advanced Dynamic Systems, Peterborough, U.K.
Model Validation and the Modelica Language
Session 5a: Engines
J. Batteh, M. Tiller, A. Goodman
Ford Motor Company, USA
Monte Carlo Simulations for Evaluating Engine NVH RobustnessS.E. Pohl, M. Gräf
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
Dynamic Simulation of a Free-Piston Linear Alternator in Modelica
Session 5b: Thermodynamic Systems IV
T. Hirsch, W. Steinmann, M. Eck
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
Simulation of transient two-phase flow in parabolic trough collectors using ModelicaL.J. Yebra, M. Berenguel, S. Dormido, M. Romero
CIEMAT-PSA; Universidad de Almeria; UNED, Spain
Modelling and Simulation of Central Receiver Solar Thermal Power PlantsA. Cammi, F. Casella, M. Ricotti, F. Schiavo
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Object-Oriented Modeling, Simulation and Control of the IRIS Nuclear Power Plant with Modelica
Session 5c: Tools II
A. Pop, P. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
A Portable Debugger for Algorithmic Modelica CodeO. Johansson, A. Pop, P. Fritzson
Linköping University, Sweden
ModelicaDB - A Tool for Searching, Analysing, Crossreferencing and Checking of Modelica Libraries
Session 6a: Automotive Simulation III
C. Schweiger, M. Dempsey, M. Otter
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany; Claytex Services Ltd, UK
The PowerTrain Library: New Concepts and New Fields of ApplicationP. Bengtsson, H. Jansson, N. Pettersson, T. Sandberg
Scania CV AB, Sweden
Development of a Modelica Heavy Vehicle Modeling LibraryM. Tiller
Ford Motor Company, USA:
Evaluation of Motor and Battery Requirements for Hybrid-Electric Powertrains during Cranking
Session 6b: Thermodynamic Systems V
W. Casas, K. Prölß , G. Schmitz
TUHH, Germany
Modeling of Desiccant Assisted Air Conditioning SystemsA. Hoh, T. Haase, T. Tschirner, D. Müller
Hermann-Rietschel-Institut, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
A combined thermo-hydraulic approach to simulation of active building components applying ModelicaB. Oehler
Airbus Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Modeling and Simulation of Global Thermal and Fluid Effects in an Aircraft Fuselage
Session 6c: Modelica Language
J. Mauss
DaimlerChrysler AG, Berlin, Germany
Modelica Instance CreationP. Fritzson, A. Pop, P. Aronsson
Linköping University, Sweden
Towards Comprehensive Meta-Modeling and Meta-Programming Capabilities in ModelicaC. Nytsch-Geusen et. al.
Fraunhofer Institutes, Germany
MOSILAB: Development of a Modelica based generic simulation tool supporting model structural dynamics
Session 7a: Electrical Systems
C. Clauß , U. Donath, A. Schneider, E. Weber
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany
Standard Package Modelica.Electrical. DigitalC. Kral, A. Haumer
Arsenal Research, Austria
Modelica libraries for dc machines, three phase and polyphase machinesTh. Bödrich, Th. Roschke
Dresden University of Technology; Saia-Burgess Dresden GmbH, Germany
A Magnetic Library for Modelica
Session 7b: Real-Time and Reactive Systems
C. Schlegel. R. Finsterwalder, H. Olsson
Schlegel Simulation GmbH; BU München, Germany; Dynasim AB, Sweden
Using Dymola generated C-Code in specialized Client/Server Simulation EnvironmentsM. Otter, K.-E. Årzén, I. Dressler
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany; Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
StateGraph-A Modelica Library for Hierarchical State MachinesJ. Bäckman, M. Edvall
Metso Paper AB, Sweden
Using Modelica and Control Systems for Real-time Simulations in the Pulp
Session 7c: Modelica Interfaces
J. Köhler, A. Banerjee
ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Germany
Usage of Modelica for transmission simulation in ZFM. Tiller
Ford Motor Company, USA
Implementation of a Generic Data Retrieval API for ModelicaH. Olsson
Dynasim AB, Sweden
External Interface to Modelica in Dymola