Proceedings of Modelica'2003 conference
All papers in a single PDF-file (23 MB)Every paper and poster presented at the conference can be downloaded as single PDF file. The order of the papers is according to the sequence of the sessions (same ordering as in the proceedings volume) | ||
Front pages, Preface, Table of Contents | ||
#### Session 2A Automotive Simulation - I | 9 | |
Johan Andreasson Division of Vehicle Dynamics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: VehicleDynamics library | 11 | |
Stefan Heller, Tilman Bünte TU München; DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany: Modelica Vehicle dynamics library: Implementation of driving maneuvers and a controller for active car steering | 19 | |
Hilding Elmqvist, Sven Erik Mattsson, Hans Olsson, Johan Andreasson, Martin Otter, Christian Schweiger, Dag Brück Dynasim; Royal Institute of Technology; DLR: Real-time Simulation of Detailed Automotive Models | 29 | |
### **Session 2B Thermodynamic Systems - I ** | 39 | |
Francesco Casella, Alberto Leva Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano: Modelica open library for power plant simulation: design and experimental validation(This file includes minor updates) (See also: Project page) | 41 | |
Tomas Skoglund Tetra Pak Processing Systems, Sweden: Simulation of Liquid Food Process in Modelica | 51 | |
Martin Råberg, Jan Tuszynski Carl Bro Energikonsult, Sweden: Thermo hydraulic library for power systems applications | 59 | |
### Session 3A Automotive Simulation - II | 73 | |
Michael Tiller, Paul Bowles, Mike Dempsey Ford Motor Company, USA; Claytex, UK: Development of a Vehicle Modeling Architecture in Modelica | 75 | |
Leo Laine, Johan Andreasson Chalmers Institute of Technology; Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: Modelling of Generic Hybrid Electric Vehicles | 87 | |
Erik Surewaard, Eckhard Karden, Michael Tiller Energy Management Group, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen, Germany; Ford Motor Company, USA: Advanced Electric Storage System Modeling in Modelica | 95 | |
### Session 3B Tools - I | 103 | |
Per Sahlin and Pavel Grozman Equa Simulation AB, Sweden: IDA Simulation Environment - a tool for Modelica based end-user application deployment | 105 | |
Mike Dempsey Claytex Services Limited: Automatic translation of Simulink models into Modelica using Simelica and the AdvancedBlocks library | 115 | |
Eva-Lena Lengquist Sandelin, Susanna Monemar, Peter Fritzson, Peter Bunus PELAB , Linköping University: DrModelica - An Interactive Tutoring Environment for Modelica | 125 | |
### Session 4A Automotive Simulation - III | 137 | |
John Batteh, Michael Tiller and Charles Newman Ford Motor Company, USA: Simulation of Engine Systems in Modelica | 139 | |
Christian Schweiger, Martin Otter Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR : Modeling 3D Mechanical Effects of 1D Powertrains | 149 | |
### Session 4B Electrical and Chemical Systems | 159 | |
Carla Martin, Alfonso Urquia and Sebastian Dormido Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, UNED, Spain: SPICELib - Modeling and Analysis of Electric Circuits with Modelica | 161 | |
Gerald Reichl Department of Automation and Systems Engineering, Technishe Universität Ilmenau: WasteWater - a Library for Modeling and Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Modelica | 171 | |
### **Session 5: Poster session: ** | 177 | |
Jörgen Svensson and Per Karlsson Dept. of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University: Adaptive signal management (See also: black-and-white version) | 179 | |
Christian Hoffmann and Jens Kahler Department of Automation and System Engineering, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany; De Montfort University, UK: Object-oriented simulation of energy supply systems on the basis of renewable energy | 189 | |
Torge Pfafferott, Gerhard Schmitz Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg: Implementation of a Modelica Library for Simulation of Refrigeration Systems | 197 | |
**Jerzy Mikler and Vadim Engelson ** PELAB, Linköping University; Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden : Simulation for Operation Management: Object Oriented Approach using Modelica | 207 | |
Emma Larsdotter Nilsson and Peter Fritzson PELAB, Linköping University : BioChem - A Biological and Chemical Library for Modelica | 215 | |
Dr S.Sumathi, K. Vinod Kumar PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India : Simulation and Control of Induction Motor in Dymola (removed) | 221 | |
### Session 7A Mechatronic Systems - I | 229 | |
Gianni Ferretti, Marco Gritti, Gianantonio Magnani, Paolo Rocco, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: A Remote User Interface to Modelica Robot Models | 231 | |
Angelika Peer, Naim Bajcinca, Christian Schweiger Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR: Physical-based Friction Identification of an Electro-Mechanical Actuator with Dymola/Modelica and MOPS | 241 | |
Lars Eriksson Vehicular Systems, Linköping University: VehProLib - Vehicle Propulsion Library. Library development issues | 249 | |
### Session 7B Thermodynamic Systems - II | 257 | |
Stefan Wischhusen, Bruno Lüdemann, Gerhard Schmitz Department of Technical Thermodynamics, TU Hamburg-Harburg; Imtech Deutschland GmbH, Germany: Economical Analysis of Complex Heating and Cooling Systems with the Simulation Tool HKSim | 259 | |
Hilding Elmqvist, Hubertus Tummescheit and Martin Otter Dynasim, Sweden; UTRC, USA; DLR, Germany: Object-Oriented Modeling of Thermo-Fluid Systems | 269 | |
Rüdiger Franke, Manfred Rode, Klaus Krüger ABB Corporate Research, ABB Utilities GmbH, Germany: On-line Optimization of Drum Boiler Startup | 287 | |
### Session 8A Mechatronic Systems - II | 297 | |
Ivan I. Kossenko and Maia S. Stavrovskaia Moscow State University of the Service, Russia: How One Can Simulate Dynamics of Rolling Bodies via Dymola: Approach to Model Multibody System Dynamics Using Modelica | 299 | |
Martin Otter, Hilding Elmqvist and Sven Erik Mattsson DLR; Dynasim: The New Modelica MultiBody Library | 311 | |
Peter Beater and Martin Otter Fachhochschule Südwestfalen in Soest; DLR, Germany: Multi-Domain Simulation: Mechanics and Hydraulics of an Excavator(See also: black-and-white version) | 331 | |
### Session 8B Thermodynamic Systems - III | 341 | |
Francesco Casella and Francesco Schiavo Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano: Modelling and Simulation of Heat Exchangers in Modelica with Finite Element Methods | 343 | |
Magnus Holmgren Solvina, Sweden: Process simulation in industrial projects | 353 | |
Andreas Idebrant and Lennart Näs MathCore Engineering AB; Alstom Industrial Turbines AB, Sweden: Gas Turbine Applications using ThermoFluid | 359 | |
### Session 9A Mechatronic Systems - III | 367 | |
Peter Beater and Christoph Clauss University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, Soest; Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Dresden: Multidomain Systems: Pneumatic, Electronic and Mechanical Subsystems of a Pneumatic Drive Modelled with Modelica(See also: black-and-white version) | 369 | |
Johann Bals, Gerhard Hofer, Andreas Pfeiffer, Christian Schallert Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR: Object-Oriented Inverse Modelling of Multi-Domain Aircraft Equipment Systems and Assessment with Modelica | 377 | |
Mats Beckman and Johan Andreasson Division of Vehicle Dynamics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: Wheel model library for use in vehicle dynamics studies | 385 | |
Niklas Pettersson, Karl Henrik Johansson Scania; Royal Instutute of Technology, Sweden: Modelica Library for Simulating Energy Consumption of Auxiliary Units in Heavy Vehicles | 393 | |
### **Session 9B Tools - II ** | 399 | |
Wim Lammen, Jos Vankan, Robert Maas and Johan Kos National Aerospace Laboratory, The Netherlands: Approximation of black-box system models in Matlab with direct application in Modelica | 401 | |
Michael Tiller Ford Motor Company: Parsing and Semantic Analysis of Modelica Code for Non-Simulation Applications | 411 | |
Adrian Pop, Peter Fritzson PELAB, Linköping University: ModelicaXML: A Modelica XML Representation with Applications | 419 | |
Peter Aronsson, Peter Fritzson, Levon Saldamli, Peter Bunus and Kaj Nyström PELAB, Linköping University: Meta Programming and Function Overloading in OpenModelica | 431 |
Gerald Reichl _ Department of Automation and Systems Engineering, Technishe Universität Ilmenau_: ** WasteWater ** | * Paper* Library, zipped |
Carla Martin, Alfonso Urquia and Sebastian Dormido _ Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, UNED, Spain_: ** SPICELib** | * Paper* Library, zipped |
Johan Andreasson _ Division of Vehicle Dynamics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden_: ** VehicleDynamics ** | * Paper* Library, zipped |
Tutorial for beginners - ZIP archive
Advanced tutorial - presentation and exercises