Modelica'2002 Conference
The 2nd International Modelica Conference was held March 18-19, 2002, at “Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt” (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
The proceedings of the 2nd International Modelica Conference are available from this Web-site:
Proceedings of Modelica'2002 including late papers (9 Mybte as zipped pdf-file).
Beginners Tutorial (slides, exercises, solutions) (1.3 Mybte zip-file).
Advanced Tutorial (slides, exercises, solutions) (0.4 Mybte zip-file).
Every paper and poster presented at the conference and available in the proceedings volume above can also be downloaded below as single pdf-file. The order of the papers is according to the sequence of the conference sessions (= same ordering as in the proceedings volume).
Session 1: Modelica Tutorials
Otter M. and Olsson H.
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany and Dynasim AB, Sweden
New Features in Modelica 2.0
Mattsson S. E., Elmqvist H., Otter M., and Olsson H.
Dynasim AB, Sweden and DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Initialization of Hybrid Differential-Algebraic Equations in Modelica 2.0
Session 2: Applications and Tools
Tiller M., Tobler W.E., and Kuang M.
Ford Motor Company, USA
Evaluating Engine Contributions to HEV Driveline Vibrations
Clauß C. and Beater P.
Frauenhofer Institut, Dresden and Unversität-GH Paderborn, Germany
Multidomain Systems: Electronic, Hydraulic, and Mechanical Subsystems of an Universal Testing Machine Modeled with Modelica
Tummescheit H. and Eborn J.
Lund University, Sweden and United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, USA
Chemical Reaction Modeling with ThermoFluid and MultiFlash
Fritzson P., Gunnarsson J., and Jirstrand M.
Linköping University, and MathCore AB, Linköping, Sweden
MathModelica - An Extensible Modeling and Simulation Environment with Integrated Graphics and Literate ProgrammingBrück D., Elmqvist H., Mattsson S. E., and Olsson H.
Dynasim, Lund, Sweden
Dymola for Multi-Engineering Modeling and Simulation
Session 3a: Automotive Powertrains and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
Elmqvist H., Mattsson S. E., and Olsson H.
Dynasim AB, Sweden
New Methods for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Stiff ModelsSoejima S.,and Matsuba T.
Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Techno Service Corporation, Japan
Application of mixed mode integration and new implicit inline integration at ToyotaSchlegel C., Bross M., and Beater P.
Schlegel Simulation GmbH, BMW München, and Unversität-GH Paderborn
HIL-Simulation of the Hydraulics and Mechanics of an Automatic GearboxPuchalsky C., Megli T., Tiller M., Trask N., Wang Y., and Curtis E.
Ford Motor Company, USA
Modelica Applications for Camless Engine Valvetrain Development
Session 3b: Electrical Systems
Hongesombut K., Mitani Y., and Tsuji K.
Osaka University, Japan
An Incorporated Use of Genetic Algorithm and a Modelica Library for Simultaneous Tuning of Power System StabilizersUrquía A. and Dormido S.
Departamento de Informática y Automática, Madrid, Spain
DC, AC Small-Signal and Transient Analysis of Level 1 N-Channel MOSFET with ModelicaFerretti G., Magnani G., Rocco P., Bonometti L., and Maraglino M.
Politecnico di Milano, C.M.S.S.p.A., Zogno, Italy
Simulating permanent magnet brushless motors in DymolaKalaschnikow S.N.
VA TECH ELIN EBG Elektronik GmbH, Wien, Austria
PQLib - A Modelica Library for Power Quality analysis in Networks
Session 6a: Automotive Powertrains
Treffinger P. and Goedecke M.
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
Development of Fuel Cell Powered Drive Trains With ModelicaNewman C.E., Batteh J.J., and Tiller M.
Ford Motor Company, USA
Spark-Ignited-Engine Cycle Simulation in Modelica
Session 6b: Thermodynamic Systems I
Pfafferott T. and Schmitz G.
TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Modeling and Simulation of Refrigeration Systems with the Natural Refrigerant CO2Felgner F., Agustina S., Cladera R., Merz R., and Litz L.
Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
Simulation of Thermal Building Behaviour in Modelica
Session 7: Poster session
Bunus P. and Fritzson P.
Linköping University, Sweden
Methods for Structural Analysis and Debugging of Modelica ModelsTorrey D.A. and Selamogullari, U.S.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, USA
A Behavioral Model for DC-DC Converters using ModelicaTorrey D.A. and Selamogullari U.S.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, USA
Modelica Implementation of Field-oriented Controlled 3-phase Induction Machine DriveWischhusen S. and Schmitz G.
Technical University Hamburg- Harburg, Germany
Numerical Simulation of Complex Cooling and Heating Systems
Session 8a: Discrete Event Modeling
Freiseisen W., Keber R., Medetz W., Pau P., and Stelzmueller D.
Universität Linz
Using Modelica for Testing Embedded SystemsRemelhe M.A.P.
University Dortmund, Germany
Combining Discrete Event Models and Modelica - General Thoughts and a Special Modeling EnvironmentFärnqvist D., Strandemar K., Johansson K.H., and Hespanha J.P.
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and University of Southern California, U.S.A
Hybrid Modeling of Communication Networks Using Modelica
Session 8b: Thermodynamic Systems II
Steinmann W.D. and Zunft S.
DLR Stuttgart, Germany
TechThermo - A Library for Modelica Applications in Technical ThermodynamicsFabricius S.M.O. and Badreddin E. (ETH Zürich)
Modelica Library for Hybrid Simulation of Mass Flow in Process PlantsJensen J.M. and Tummescheit H.
Technical University of Denmark and Lund University, Sweden
Moving Boundary Models for Dynamic Simulations of Two-Phase Flows
Session 9a: Mechatronic Applications
Hellgren J.
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Modelling of Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Modelica for Virtual PrototypingPelchen C., Schweiger C., and Otter M.
ZF-Friedrichshafen, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Modeling and Simulating the Efficiency of Gearboxes and of Planetary GearboxesAndreasson J. and Jarlmark J.,
Royal Institute of Technolog, Sweden
Modularised Tyre Modelling in ModelicaMoormann D. and Looye G.
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
The Modelica Flight Dynamics LibraryAberger M. and Otter M.
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Modeling Friction in Modelica with the Lund-Grenoble Friction Model
Session 9b: Special Methods and Tools
Fritzson P., Aronsson P., Bunus P., Engelson V., Saldamli L., Johansson H., and Karström A.
Linköping University, Sweden
The Open Source Modelica ProjectSaldamli L., Fritzson P., and Bachmann B.
Linköping University, Sweden and Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Germany
Extending Modelica for Partial Differential EquationsFranke R.
ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg, Germany
Formulation of dynamic optimization problems using Modelica an their efficient solution
Sjöberg J., Fyhr F., and Grönstedt T.
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Estimating parameters in physical models using MathModelica
Aronsson P. and Fritzson P.
Linköping University, Sweden
Multiprocessor Scheduling of Simulation Code From Modelica Models