External Projects

The development of Modelica or FMI is supported by a number of externally funded research projects. Find below a list of these projects. More information is available when following the link to the web page of the research project.

Ongoing research projects

Name OpenSCALING - Open standards for SCALable virtual engineerING and operation
Web https://itea4.org/project/openscaling.html (overview at ITEA web)
Duration November 2023 – October 2027
Budget 10.9 Mill. Euro, 84 person years
Type of project ITEA Project. The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of France (DGCIS), Germany (BMBF), Hungary, Spain, Sweden (VINNOVA).
Project partners 27 partners and research organzations from Europe
Leader Dr. Oliver Lenord (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Purpose The European Climate Law sets the target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% for 2030 in Europe and to become climate-neutral by 2050. To meet these ambitious goals, open standards and established modelling and simulation tools need be enhanced to better support large-scale systems and distributed controllers optimized to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Several industrial demonstrators will showcase how the OpenSCALING innovations are applied in the energy, building, aviation, and automotive domains through green hydrogen production, more efficient heat pumps, fuel cell propulsion and electrified vehicles.

Finalized research projects

Name PHyMoS - Proper Hybrid Models for Smarter Vehicles
Web phymos.de
Duration March 2021 - February 2024
Budget 4.5 Mill. Euro, 39 person years
Type of project BMWi Project The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Project partners 9 German partners from industrial and research organizations, with a share of 1/3 of the funding assigned to SME.
Leader Oliver Lenord (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Purpose The vehicle of the future is expected to be smart. This implies a high degree of self-awareness, in other words the ability to determine and predict the state of itself and the surrounding. Creating models describing the dynamic behavior quickly and with little effort is a key competence. Classical physical models derived from first principles and data-driven models using Artificial Intelligence shall be combined to find a “Proper Model” in the sense of the best fit in terms of the trade-off between computational effort and accuracy. A framework shall be provided that allows to partially automate the hybrid method selection and model generation process based on a given set of requirements, existing physical models and data to accelerate the development of smarter vehicles and products.
Name MOSIM - Modular Simulation of Natural Human Motions
Web https://itea3.org/project/upsim.html (overview at ITEA web)
Duration September 2018 – November 2021
Budget 10 Mill. Euro, 80 person years
Type of project ITEA Project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project partners 22 partners from 4 different countries (Germany, Finland, Sweden, Austria)
Leader Dr. Thomas Bär (Daimler Buses – EvoBus GmbH)
Purpose The MOSIM approach helps identify conditions that negatively impact worker health & safety, or well-being, in time to eliminate or mitigate issues. To introduce software capability and solutions, that automatically simulate a rich repertoire of realistic human motions, MOSIM aims to develop and implement a generic concept inspired by the Functional Mock-up Interface standard. MOSIM extends co-simulation methodologies to the field of human simulation, by introducing Motion Model Units (MMU), to facilitate different simulation domains to share human-centric motions.
Name ModeliScale - Modelica for large scale Cyber Physical Systems
Web https://www.3ds.com/modeliscale
Duration 2018 - 2021
Budget 5.5 Million Euro, 44 person years
Type of project FUI 24 – Fonds Unique Interministériel The project is partially funded by the French authorities : BPIFrance, Region Ile de France
Project partners 8 French partners : industrial, SME and research organizations
Leader Patrick Chombart (Dassault Systemes SE)
Purpose Innovate in Modelica technologies capabilities for large scale systems Modeling and Simulation (ModSim). ModeliScale addresses three challenges on multi-mode, model initialization, and large scale simulation.The project brings new concepts using the Modelica language and FMI standards: model structural analysis, compilation and execution. Several enhancement also proposed for FMI 3.0, from the work done in project. Three Modelica library candidates created by partners.Illustration done on three industrial Case Studies from the energy domain, with various kinds of energy from production, transport, consumption or storage (electrical, buildings, houses, heat network, PV, batteries, etc). Demonstrators show “virtual twins” of four districts / cities in France, to support the trend of Energy mix.
Name UPSIM - Unleash Potentials in Simulation
Web http://www.upsim-project.eu/
Duration Oktober 2020 - September 2023
Budget 16 Mill. Euro, 120 person years
Type of project ITEA 3 Project The project is partially funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (Rvo), by the Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) and by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).
Project partners 31 industrial and research organizations from Europe (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom)
Leader Martin Benedikt (VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH)
Purpose Increasing trust in system modelling and simulation is essential for enabling Digitial Twin enriched system development, production, and operation. The ITEA3 UPSIM projects aims for System Simulation credibility via simulation quality management approach, encompassing collaboration and continuous integration for complex systems.
Name EMPHYSIS - EMbedded systems with PHYSical models In the production code Software
Web https://emphysis.github.io
https://itea3.org/project/emphysis.html (overview at ITEA web)
Duration 2017 - 2020
Budget 14 Mill. Euro, 110 person years
Type of project ITEA3 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of France (DGCIS), Germany (BMBF) and Sweden (VINNOVA). One unfunded partner is participating from Canada. An application for Belgium is pending.
Project partners 23 industrial and research organizations from Europe and Canada
Leader Oliver Lenord (Bosch)
Purpose Develop a new standard (FMI for embedded systems) to exchange physics-based models between modelling and simulation environments with software development environments for electronic control units (ECU), micro controllers or other embedded systems and provide prototype implementations for the whole tool chain from physics-based modeling environments to production code on electronic control units. Enabling advanced control and diagnosis functions based on physical models allows the production code in automotive vehicles to be enhanced and the cost and time for the software development of these embedded systems to be reduced.
Name ACOSAR - Advanced Co-simulation Open System Architecture
Web https://itea3.org/project/acosar.html (overview at ITEA web)
Duration Sept. 2015 - Aug. 2018
Budget 8 Mill. Euro, 60 person years
Type of project ITEA3 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of Austria (FFG) and Germany (BMBF).
Project partners 16 industrial and research organizations from Europe (AT, DE, FR).
Leader Martin Benedikt (VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center)
Purpose The aim of the ACOSAR project is to develop both a non-proprietary “Advanced Co-simulation Interface” (ACI) for offline and online system integration as well as an according integration methodology, which represents a substantial contribution to standardization. In contrast to FMI, ACOSAR developments focus on a message-based interface specification for interconnection of multiple local and remote virtual and real components. Results are demonstrated along 9 industrial application use-cases.
Name MODRIO - Model Driven Physical Systems Operation
Web https://itea3.org/project/modrio.html
Duration Sept. 2012 - May 2016
Budget 21 Mill. Euro
Type of project ITEA2 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of Belgium, Finland, France (DGCIS), Germany (BMBF) and Sweden (VINNOVA).
Project partners 38 industrial and research organizations from Europe
Leader Daniel Bouskela (EDF)
Purpose The objective of the project is to extend modelling and simulation tools based on open standards from system design to system operation. The major outcome will be a holistic modelling and simulation framework for physical system design, diagnosis and operation assistance. In particular Modelica and FMI are further extended to support property/requirement modelling, state estimation, multi-mode modelling (systems with multiple operating modes and varying number of states), and nonlinear model predictive control; all functionalities based on nonlinear Modelica and/or FMI models.
Name OPENPROD - Open Model-Driven Whole-Product Development and Simulation Environment
Web https://itea3.org/project/openprod.html
Duration June 2009 - Dec 2012
Budget 11 million Euro,  100 person-years
Type of project ITEA2 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of Belgium, Finland, France (DGCIS), Germany (BMBF) and Sweden (VINNOVA).
Project partners 28 industrial and research organizations from Europe
Leader Sune Horkeby (Siemens)
Purpose Development of an open whole-product model-driven development, modelling and simulation (M&S) environment integrating business process and requirement modeling with product modeling, simulation and code generation. The environment integrates Eclipse with open-source modelling and simulation tools such as OpenModelica and industrial M&S tools and applications.
Name MODELISAR - From System Modeling to S/W running on the Vehicle
Web https://itea3.org/project/modelisar.html
Duration July 2008 - Dec. 2011
Budget 27 Mill. Euro, 177 person years
Type of project ITEA2 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of Germany (BMBF), France (DGCIS) and Sweden (VINNOVA).
Project partners 29 industrial and research organizations from Europe.
Leader Patrick Chombart (Dassault Systèmes) Bernd Relovsky (Daimler)
Achievements A new and open interface standard FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface) was developed to conveniently exchange models from different simulation environments, including the Modelica and non-Modelica tools of the MODELISAR partners. Usage of a model in another environment can either be performed by model coupling, i.e., no integrators are embedded in the model, or by co-simulation in various levels. The FMI standard and the tools have been evaluated with many industrial use cases.
Web https://itea3.org/project/eurosyslib.html
EUROSYSLIB innovation report (pdf-file)
Duration Oct. 2007 - June 2010
Budget 16. Mill. Euro, 100 person years
Type of project ITEA2 project The project is partially funded by the national research agencies of Austria, Germany (BMBF), France (DGCIS) and Sweden (VINNOVA).
Project partners 21 industrial and research organizations from European countries (Austria, Germany, France, Sweden, and United Kingdom).
Leader Piero Brozzu (Dassault Systèmes)
Purpose Development of advanced Modelica libraries for system models with electrical, electronic, thermo-fluid, mechanical, control components, as well as automotive libraries. Furthermore, the Modelica language is extended to support the requirements of the new, innovative libraries. Finally, Digital Mockup (DMU) is enhanced with product behavior based on Modelica.